February 19, 2007


Anda tentu tahu yang namanya RSS. Istilah yang sering kita temukan di dalam dunia web ini memang belakangan sering digunakan dalam fasilitas sebuah blog misalnya.

Tapi tahukah anda apa itu RSS dan bagaimana sejarah dan berbagai versinya.

Dari sisi kesejarahan RSS itu ada empat versi yakni Really Simple Syndication (RSS 2.0), Rich Site Summary (RSS 0.91, RSS 1.0), RDF Site Summary (RSS 0.9, RSS 1.0) dan sesuatu yang mirip dengan RSS disebut dengan ATOM (seperti anda lihat pada salah satu situs blog ternama BLOGGER.com. Jadi walaupun ada istilah versi 1.0 atau 2.0, tapi itu bukanlah merupakan kelanjutan dari versi sebelumnya. Atau dengan kata lain RSS 2.0 bukanlah versi lanjutan dari versi 2.0 itu sangatlah berbeda,kata Norman Sasono, Technology head Intimedia.

Namun apapun istilahnya, RSS secara fungsi pada prinsipnya merupakan sebuah format berbasis teks yang disebut XML, yang memungkinkan orang berbagi konten antara situs yang satu dengan situs yang lainnya. Sehingga pemilik situs tidak direpotkan dengan update informasi dari situs yang dikelolanya.

February 14, 2007

ttg ip dns dan internet dasarnya tapi biasa ada hack nya dikit

kmrn dimilist ada yg nanya ini... gw pikir2 dari pada gw lupa sama apa yg gw tulis mending gw tulis disini... > apa itu IP ? ip itu alamat unik yang di miliki oleh sebuah komputer yang menjadi ktp nya si komputer buat menjelajah di dunia maya.. (jaringan) dan dgn ip itu bisa dikenali tempat dia berada dll.... ip itu terdiri dari 12 digit angka yg dipisahkan oleh titik tiap tiga digit.ip juga ada kelasnya lohh kayak kita pas sekolah.... untuk jelas ttg dasar jaringan bisa baca di sini dan buat komunikasi dgn perangkat lain dalam sebuah jaringan komputer kita punya yg namanya mac address. ini ktp nya perangkat bbuat komunikasi dgn perangkat lain. karena sebuah perangkat pada dasarnya gak ngerti ip.. :) > apa itu DNS ? DNs itu domain name server.. server yang bikin kita klo browsing ngetiknya google.com bukan dengan adanya dns server dia akan nerjemahin alamat ip dari sebuah alamat dengan nama yg ada.. > hubungan IP dan DNS ? hubungannya DNS itu membutuhkan alamat ip untuk dicari padanannya dengan nama sebuah alamat... > apa itu ping? ping itu sebuah aplikasi yang bisa mengirim kan paket sebesar 32 byte pada windows dan 64 byte pada linux lewat prot ICMP yang akan dikirim dan bila perangkat yg dikirimi menjawab maka pada windows akan kluar tulisan reply from..... dan pada linux akan kluar tulisan 64 byte from ....... > kenapa di alamat IP di kompie saya selalu ganti? (saya make telkomspeedy). yg ini saya kurang ngerti tapi kmungkinan karena DHCP servernya si speedy yang akan memberikan alamat ip yg kosong kepada anda ketika anda memulai koneksi inet. karena setau saya speedy pakai dynamic ip dynamic ip itu diatur oleh sebuah server yg biasanya dhcp buat ngedistribusiin ip ke komp yg minta ip sama dia.. makanya ada tuh ttg dhcp hacking dia manfaating sistem dari dhcp yang user dengan polosnya minta ip sama dhcp yang bisa aja dah di spoofing..dan bisa jadi si user minta ipnya sama si hacker dan alhasil komputer korban akan terkoneksi dengan komp server si hacker wew menyenangkan klo bisa dapet org kayak gitu sekian dulu gw mau conf dulu sama anak2 js... see u

February 11, 2007

wine help

5.2. How do I install Windows in Wine under Linux? Simple answer: you CAN'T. Windows demands direct access to the hardware and cannot get it with Wine and UNIX in the way Wine is supposed to be primarily used WITHOUT Windows. If you want to use a Windows installation, then use an existing installation alongside the UNIX installation (see the dual-boot HOWTO for your OS for more details). Or alternatively use the cabextract utility to extract Windows install archives to a directory that you want to use as Wine's Windows tree.
5.3. How do I configure Wine to run on my system? As of Wine release 20050725 the config file has been disabled and the values are now stored instead in registry files in your .wine directory. The preferred method to configure Wine is with winecfg, winecfg is a tool to make it easy for new users to edit some of the contents of there registry files.
5.4. How do I upgrade Wine without losing my working configuration? Upgrading the wine installation does not affect the existing wine registry settings. So after upgrading wine you still have the old (working ) wine registry configuration.
5.5. If I want to use a Windows install, which versions are OK? Either use a classic no-windows install (Wine is getting better all the time) or use a Win9x install (Win95, 98, 98SE, ME). DON'T configure Wine to use an NT-based Windows install (NT, Win2K, WinXP, Win2K3). In general, most Windows installations contain vast quantities of garbage that can confuse Wine and make it less reliable. If you can, it's best to install the programs you want into Wine's fake windows drive.
5.6. If I use a Windows install with Wine, which one works best? As of 09/2005: I'd say Win98SE is the best version to use with Wine, as it's fairly widespread amongst developers and relatively old. Using Win2K files is definitely worse than a plain no-windows Wine install, and Win ME is said to be problematic, too (as probably no developer uses it). In short: all Win9x <= W98SE are good.
5.7. Installing applications generated by Visual Basic won't run. What should I do? Make sure you have all the VB run time libraries installed. You can get the latest version from the Microsoft web site.
5.8. When I click on *.exe file in my file Manager, nothing happens. The normal Wine releases don't have .exe extensions registered for Wine in KDE/Gnome yet. You have to open a terminal window instead (often an icon showing a "black screen") and type something like: cd /my/windows/program/directory wine myprogram.exe 5.9. bash says "wine: Command not found" What can I do? Try to logout and login again into bash. That might fix it. If it doesn't, then make sure the wine binary is in your PATH. Run as root: find / -name "wine" -type f -perm +111 to find the path where the wine binary is in. Then check whether PATH includes it: echo $PATH If not, add that e.g. to /etc/profile by doing: export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/wine/binary That should help. For complete packages, use http://rpmseek.com/ or the Download section. 5.10. How do I remove Wine from my Computer? It depends on how you installed. If you used an RPM, the right command is this: rpm -e wine (as root) If you installed from source (the .tar.gz file), the right way to do it is to change to the root of the source tree (the directory with the configure script, readme etc) then run as root: make uninstall
6. About running Wine
6.1. How do I run an MS Windows program under Wine? When invoking Wine, you must specify the entire path to the executable, or by file name only. For example to run Windows' solitaire, type any of the following: wine sol or wine sol.exe (using the search path to locate the file). wine c:\\windows\\sol.exe (using a DOS file name). wine /usr/windows/sol.exe (using a UNIX file name). wine "c:\windows\sol.exe" (using quoted DOS file name). The path of the file will also be added to the path when a full name is supplied on the command line.
6.2. I have installed and configured Wine, but Wine cannot find MS Windows on my drive. Where did I go wrong? If you have a DOS partition, first make sure that you have mounted it, either by putting the entry into /etc/fstab, or by manually mounting it. Remember too that unless your version of UNIX can see through it, or you are running a utility that can see through it, your DOS partition must not be located on a Drivespaced, Doublespaced or Stackered partition, as neither Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD or Wine can natively 'see' files located in these compressed DOS partitions. Check your path statements in the wine.conf file. No capital letters may be used in paths, as they are automatically converted to lowercase.
6.3. I was able to get various MS Windows programs to run, but parts of them do not work. What is wrong? Wine is not complete at this time, so some of each programs' features may not work. They will in time as more of the MS Windows API calls are included in Wine.
6.4. I have run various MS Windows programs, but since the program menus do not work, how can I exit these programs? Menus should be working correctly, if for some reason your applications menus stops responding. You can kill the xterm shell window that you called up to run your MS Windows program, and the X window that appeared with the program will be killed too. If you started the application from a shortcut you can open a terminal and start xkill and just click on the application to kill it.
6.5. My program doesn't work, what can I do? If you are a programmer and know C, then start debugging Wine and help us make it better! If you can't, then you will have to either convince a Wine developer to try and make your program work (there must be a downloadable version or demo for that). You can submit your application to the Wine Application DB and gather tips on ways to get your app to work its best. You can also submit your application to the CodeWeavers CrossOver Compatibility Center. Where you can pledge/vote toward future support of your favorite application. We recommend that you try builtin dlls first and report any errors that you may run across to wine-devel or to our Bugzilla. If you report problems they can be verified and fixed by the development team and this helps everyone over the long run by not covering up bugs with the use of native dlls. Alternatively, you may be able to get the app working by taking native DLLs from a Microsoft Windows install, and using them (set the dlls to native with winecgf). Not all DLLs can be replaced that way - in particular DirectX cannot be, nor can some core system DLLs like gdi32, user, ntdll, kernel32, etc.
6.6. Can I use Wine with SUSE, RedHat or other Linux Distro's? You can use Wine on any sufficiently recent Linux installation. The amount of work getting Wine up and running depends on whether you install a binary packages or do a source install.
6.7. Does Wine work with AMD Processors? Yes, it does. Wine should work on any processor compatible with the Pentium or greater.
6.8. Can I launch a Unix program from a Windows program? Sure, Wine supports that. Just enter the unix program name wherever a program has something that it's supposed to execute, and it should just work.
6.9. I get "Error installing iKernel.exe: (0x1400)" when running an InstallShield 6 installer. If you get the error "Error installing iKernel.exe: (0x1400)" at any point, it's probably because there are leftover processes from a previous try. You can verify this with the command $ ps augxw grep wine If that command shows old copies of wine running your setup, you need to kill them before you can run the setup program. If there are no other Wine programs running, you can kill them all with the command $ killall wine If you're also running Wine programs you care about, you'll have to kill off the old Setup instances one by one using kill and the individual PIDs (or perhaps Wine's spiffy Task Manager, which doesn't exist yet). You should repeat the ps to make sure all of the old Wine processes are gone.

akhirnya bisa juga

masih inget sama artikel ttg gw yg kesusahan nginstall linux gak? gw juga dah lupa sih sebenernya... akhirnya gw bisa juga nginstall dan dah mulai bisa nih jalan dan udah mulai bisa configurasi dikit2 tapi gw dapet info dari temen gw ttg wine emulator di linux yang bisa ngejalanin file exe bawaan windows... wah gw tertarik tuh masalahnya bagi yg dah kebiasaan pake win pasti agak ribet ngejalanin aplikasi linux... :(( termasuk gw juga ... walaupun ternyata lebih bebas mengexplorasi semua yg ada di linux. tapi agak ribet juga sih.. gw mau kasih dikit info ttg wine yang merupakan aplikasi yang dibuat untuk memudahkan kita untuk menjalankan aplikasi berekstensi exe di mesin linux... silahkan baca artikelnya disini ..
atau mau liat FAQ nya klik disini gw aja sekarang bisa ngejalanin yahoomgr di linux... :)

February 7, 2007

abis semangat jadi lemes

kmrn lagi kerja inget klo di jaringan deket gw ada yg pake switch dan masih unmanage ahhh daripada kedinginan gara2 ujan diluar, mending gw coba nyari kegiatan... krn gw admin di jaringan itu, gw coba ah nyari info apa aja yg lagi bekerja di jaringan.. gw jalanin arp spoof, gw spoofing switch yg ada di depan mata.terus gw buka colasoft capsa kesayangan gw... gw jalanin aksi yg biasa dinamakan snifing ini.. ah. klik start capture=> ok => klik ip explorer => local subnet mulai deh gw nyari kegiatan yg mencolok mata... wah ternyata ketemu sebuah ip yg gw tau itu biasanya ip si boss ah dari pada ngantuk gw buka lah dan gw liat ternyata si boss lagi browsing nih.. otak yg membeku jadi mulai mencair nih. klo cuma tau segitu doank gak seru ah... gw buka lagi cain and abel gw mulai jalanin satu-satu langkahnya... terus aba kadabra ... kok gak kliatan yaaa yg gw pinginin (password n username mailnya dia) gw tunggu gak kluar2 ah bosen nunggu gw coba aja pake wireshark gw jalanin lagi eh gak bisa lagi bt gw abis itu gw chat deh sama komunitas gw kok gak dapet jawaban juga yaaa

February 2, 2007

hujan rintik

Waktu itu hujan turun rintik2.. saat gw main ke warnet, maklum gak ada koneksi internet dirumah :( masuk warnet dengan senyum yang katanya sih ibadah gitu... nomor 29 mas ("si penjaga warnet" ,say) langsung aja gw jalan ke lantai dua dimana komp nomor segitu berada.. goyangin mouse masukin username enter dah tanpa nunggu lsg gw buka firefox gw buka ym login sambil nunggu gw buka yahoo groups gw. biasa milist gw... terus buka my favourite site gw liat disitu ada artikel ttg sql injection gitu gw baca eh ada info bagus disitu... ttg otomotif-online yg bisa dijadiin percobaan. karena gw tertarik ya gw coba aj deh. gw coba dengan langkah pertama buka site otomotife-online.com terus buka halaman2nya sampe ketemu otomotife-online.com/agenda.asp?cat=1 gw coba deh dgn teknik having eh bisa tuh di liat nama tabelnya usut2 ketemu deh ada 'TBQuiz','TBQuizAnswer','TBQuizQuestion', wah menarik yaaa coba tuh kuis blom basi pasti enak sayang pas dah bisa liat jawaban sama soal2nya gw baru sadar klo tuh kuis dah basi dah hampir tiga jam nih gw di warnet paket gw dah pingin abis gw cabut dulu....